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Virtuous Woman Hoodie Dress

Proverbs 31 describes the virtuous woman as a model of strength, wisdom, and diligence. She is hardworking, caring for her family and household with dedication. Her hands are skilled in various tasks, from managing business to providing for the needy. She is clothed in dignity and speaks with kindness, earning the respect of her community and family. Her fear of the Lord is what truly sets her apart, and her worth is said to be far beyond rubies. This Collection celebrates her character, showing that true virtue lies in faithfulness, industriousness, and wisdom.
Proverbs 31 describes the virtuous woman as a model of strength, wisdom, and diligence. She is hardworking, caring for her family and household with dedication. Her hands are skilled in various tasks, from managing business to providing for the needy. She is clothed in dignity and speaks with kindness, earning the respect of her community and family. Her fear of the Lord is what truly sets her apart, and her worth is said to be far beyond rubies. This Collection celebrates her character, showing that true virtue lies in faithfulness, industriousness, and wisdom.

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